Reading: The Fault in Our Stars


Everyone knows and loves the heart rendering story of Gus and Hazel more commonly known as The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. I have watched the movie of this novel countless times and each time I do so, tears swell up in my eyes. While watching the movie a weekend or two ago, I decided that maybe I should read the book. And this is how I fell in love with a beautifully written book.

As everyone knows (you have to be from Mars to not know this book), that this book is about two cancer fighting patients who fall in love and the girl, Hazel Grace, ends up completely shattered and heart broken when her boyfriend, Gus, dies.

Since I had already watched the movie, I knew how it was going to end but even then, I felt my heart drop as the book came closer to Gus’ death. Just the way the writer built up all the words that led to the end were sad itself. I also found it really ironic how Hazel said to Gus, “I’m a grenade and at some point I’m going to blow up and I would like to minimalise the casualties” because at the end she was the one who was hurt so bad after his death. I really pitied her because; I can’t imagine how painful it would be to have someone you love pass away. The part where they performed the eulogy for Gus in front of him was very heart breaking. Especially when Gus’ friendship with Isaac (who was blind) was shown when Isaac said “I do not want to see a world without him [Gus].”

Overall, I really liked this book because it showed a lot of love, not only with relationship partner but also with friends and family and I think that nowadays there are not enough stories that do the same.